Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

Aresztowano działacza Wolnej Minahasy

Opublikowano Czerwiec 10, 2017

Knpb Consulate: Rejection of Tri Komando Rakyak - State gives life-time punishment by the police chief but the penalty is not established when it is suspected #Makar !!!
December 19, 2016. at: 08 wita pagi - Detained all the masses by all apparatus combined at that time, at the Student Dormitory in Manado papua. All the action mass is directly under the Manado Police, during 2 X 24 Hours at Manado Police.
On the night of 20 PM 4 activists of Knpb were detained in the Manado Police Rescue Room for 20 days, a delayed pretrial hearing because the Kapolresta prosecutor was not present at the Manado District Court.
Before the second hearing 4 activists Kntb Consulate came out by receiving a mandatory reporting penalty. Then 30 Janoari 2017 the revocation of the praper court in Manado District Court, the Chief Judge questioned the hearing, then asked the 4 activists of KNPB, is it willing to willingly revoke the praper's hearing, then the 4 activists Knpb said yes .. The praper hearing was revoked.
On behalf of an all-powerful god, this trial is declared dead and its sessions are formally revoked by a three-time Palu trial. After being revoked by the Chief Justice give the suspect a chance that there is something to convey in this glorious ...
Then 4 alleged activist knpb consulate Indonesia (makar law) with komitnya there, then convey his political attitude to the presiding judge that:
1. We as God's creation on this earth, are grateful in all things to who created these things to God.
2. Whatever happens either good or unsuitable is just a jolt to the one who created us to be granted.
3. Truth will be uplifted even if it is given life-long punishment by the claimant and
3. But remember that the struggle of independence papua, this day will push forward in the official ruma, on the way of the official Kingdom. No longer in the aisle, dhutan2. And so on and cover with the remarks. Then return it to the Chief Judge. Then the Chief Justice rejected both with a briliant expression of the new experience provided by Ade2 student papua in this city.

The action attribute has not been returned by the police prosecutor / policeman manado to the suspect and the suspect's possession may be lost in picket in Manado Kapolresta detention, suspect reporting and then dipiket prison polresta mutually rejected between the police policemen picket. And according to them will be contacted when there.
And how the responses between our fellow that his property suspects missing the prisoner dipiket prison manado ?? ...

And Save: Roky Orro:


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